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Parsing SOAP Response for Direct Payment API

Guest jeromas

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Guest jeromas

I'm looking for a way to return the data in between the <LongMessage></LongMessage> tags of the XML response the SOAP API provides when making calls to PayPal for credit card processing. Basically, the information in between the <LongMessage></LongMessage> tags is related to an error in processing a customer's credit card and I'd like to be able to share this information with them about why their order failed rather than the basic message 'Sorry, your order failed!'

The information is already written to /pear/tmp/PayPal.log...I'm just wondering what function calls are made to do that. Even if I had to look at the entire XML response for a transaction, I can figure out how to parse that for the information I want. I'm just not sure what class object or variable contains that information.

I've already checked the PayPal developer forums and couldn't find any information, and looking through the /pear in my CubeCart installation has been equally fruitless. I think the relevant code would need to be placed in confirmed.inc.php under /includes/content.

Anyone know what I mean or can help me out? Thanks in advance.

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