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Admin MySQL errors

Guest CreativeStudios

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Guest CreativeStudios

Haha, i answered my own question!: If anyone is having problems with there SSL just remember to do this for the following questions, i had a few people tell me to do it a different way and it screwed up.

1. Root SECURE Public HTML Folder to store: (Include Trailing Slash)


Shared SSL: /account/store/ (NOT: https://account/store NOR: https://domain.com/store/index.php)

Dedicated SSL: /store/

2. Absolute SECURE URL to store: (Excluding Trailing Slash)



(THATS IT! Im on a shared SSL and when i put "https://secureexample.com/username/store" It screwed up!!)

3.Server SECURE Root Directory:


/path/to/public_html/store (On a Linux / Unix type machine)

c:\path\to\public_html\store (On a Windows Machine)

You can find your server secure root In your includes/global.inc.php folder

Question 1 & 2 i had the biggest problems! I keeped getting the wrong answers.

Hey there, After i got the SSL working. When i login to my Admin, It just refreshes and takes me back to the same login page. And when i am in there, instead of the menu bar i get the MySQL errors.

Is there a way to fix this? (No i do not want the tool that restores it, I want the fix so i dont see anymore errors when i login when my SSL is enabled!)

Stephen D.

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