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SEO mod for 3.0.8

Guest wiggy

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:ph34r: Good afternoon to all

I have been trolling the forum for a while looking at the general chatter and can I start by saying this a very well supported and friendly forum very helpful.

I am just looking to start my first online store and from what I have seen and played with as yet this seems a very good full flavoured package with good support from those who love it, at a very small cost or even no cost.

As I stated I am playing at the moment trying to understand how this all works in a view of using for my store, I am having problems with a SEO mod by Rukiman.

I have a clean instalation of 3.0.8 on a localhost which seems to be running fine I have then uploaded the files as stated in the readme from seo mod by Rukiman, when I finish and go to my localhost/store I get this error message


The server encountered an Internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an errir in the CGI script

error 500.

I'm sure I have done something wrong as there is a few how say this works fine.

I don't get back to the admin or store screen only the error, I have other localhost sites running with no problems.

The localhost is done by using a download fron xampp which is great for testing offline.

any help would be appreciated :D

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Guest rukiman

this errors occurs when your server does not allow .htaccess files. You will need to FTP and delete the .htaccess file you uploaded and then read the README.TXT for other configurations to use that don't depend on the htaccess file.

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