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Integrate .dat files with product listings


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i have some sites and some suppliers which have .dat files with in stock items

(.dat files can be opened with Excel)

in version 3 is there an option to integrate that file with the store? ( to keep instock items up to date)


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Guest EverythingWeb

There is a CSV mod which allows product updates (although I have never used it so dont know to what extent it does things.)

Please head over the CubeCart.Org for more info.

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this is what i get from my supplier:

You will receive a ^ (SHIFT + 6) delimited .dat file for importing into Excel or MS Access or similar application. The first line of the file contains the header for the fields.

The fields are as follows:

ItemID = our Item Identifier

Category = our Category

Subcategory = our Subcategory

Brand = Brand Name of the item

Item = What the item is

Modelnumber = Item's Model number

Pic = filename of the picture associated with the item

Price = Our current price in U.S. Dollars

Instock = Quantity On hand

Description = Long Description of Item

Weight = Item Weight

Retailprice = Normal Retail Price

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Guest EverythingWeb

Like I say, here isn't the place to discuss 3rd-party modifications.

I know there is a CSV import MOd, so head over to CubeCart.org and find Sir William's script and then ask him whether it is likely to handle your file format.

It isn't something part of the core product.

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