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Page rank

Guest digilution

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Guest digilution

:huh: sooooooo happy :rolly::huh: my site has eventually got a page rank B)

It might only be a 2 but its a start :w00t:

Noooooo it's gone...back down to a BIG Zero!!!!! Strange as this has happened only after I changed my homepage to point to my url not index.php...... How is this possible

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Page rank is pulled from dozens of different Google data sources and is not a stable quantity. You might see it varying from 2 to 3 and back to 2 again. Page rank data sources have been going through a re-hash of late and things like Live Page rank (which by the way is a much better indication) have been down. Your page rank that you see is really the PR of your cached copy of your page and as such is not even relevant. So take heart and don't sweat the small stuff. Do your organic SEO work and you'll be fine given time.

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mine went from 0 to 2 then to 5 down to 4 in about 3 weeks and has now stabilised at 2 which is a start as im concentrating on other seo aspects at the moment

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