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Fixing categories alphabeltcaly 2006

Guest sound

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Guest sound

When will cubecart work properly?

I mean it's 2006 now and there's still things in it that haven't worked for me, or just haven't been included

Oh yea i'll find them for whatever price on so many second hand sites, that don't cut it for me.

Great system of course, but it should be a complete system at this day n age.

And the best result i can find is someone after takin on sumthin that cubecart didn't bother with

thatr peeps have been asking for like organising catregories... etc

I mean how many little extras that would have benifited this great system have been left to

whoever knows how to make them to create these mds and then keep it to themselves and

if we need it we gotta pay for it just coz cuybecart decided it wasn't important enough to include.

in fairness you might has half a million users or there bouts but wouldn't you have alot more if you

system wasn't soo open source for anybody to jump in and sell what should be included.


And i said all that without swaring

Many people speak of other cms and carts that have these little extras but no sign of them for cubecart

I though the whole idea of open source was todevelop ew improvments and then share them?

And the company that created the system took credit for any extras..

Fair play to you if you're able to do anything you want with cubecart, some of us just want a decent cart

link 2 years ago.

Things like this compremise the future,

And the forums is actin funny lately by seperating my lines of text once saved :D

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...and how many modifications have people asked for that would not be expected to appear in any single cart that have been given freely so that others could have what they need.

Coders can't possibly think of everything and they also have to set priorities. My shop has worked perfectly ever since I started with version 2.06 and I am now on 3.0.1 and IT STILL WORKS PERFECTLY!

As a moderator and someone who helps scores of people (for free M8) I know that 98% of the problems people encounter with CC are their own carelessness or a total lack of knowledge. Does it take know how to set this up? Yes it does! Can it be done without know how? You betcha!

Hey I have a great idea. You design a cart with all the things you want to see and I'll post my dissatisfaction because you didn't think of something I want.

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Guest sound

Want a list?

I never have a prob installin or doin basic configurations to the cart

It's when you find simple things that you think should be part of the system

And even go as fara as spending whatever lenght time searching fo a simple improvment

I guess that is open source for ya

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Guest Brivtech

This isn't open source and No I don't want a list.

Indeed, and another thing to consider is that not everyone wants the same things from the software. The basic CubeCart package covers basic applications, and in comparison with other packages, does it quite well.

You should be pleased there are people out there willing to offer customisations at good prices. You are paying very little for this (CubeCart is FREE if you retain copyrights), and the alternatives of getting a professionally developed cart will cost you a lot. At the end of the day, you are making money from using the software by selling your products or services. If you are in a startup position with a small budget, then you have to compromise. You can't have everything for nothing.

I do agree in one respect (and havent missed the important point that you were making) that there small features that are not included that should be - by default, which are universal, and included in other packages. There are times this drives me mad :D BUT it's been easy to put right, and more often than not, a MOD to do this, or support request turned out to be free. I hope the developers will listen to that point, because I agree with you about it, it's a valid remark.

If you're willing to invest a little time into understanding the software, you can get a lot out of it. Every package has its pros and cons, and the best advice would be to make your own comparison against a wish-list taking your software development budget into consideration.

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Guest sound

I must admit i had a few beers in me when i came online last night :blink:

So for that part i apoligise coz it can bring out a part of me i don't normaly see,

And i can work myself into a frenzy just like that *clicks fingers*

But seems it's in the forums - online instead of after some club, all i really did was

get a few things off my chest, without causing any harm to me or anybody around me.

I come home, switch on and start into something i hadn't touched for a few weeks, get a bit pissed

when i find something i should of fixed months back but maybe didn't find a result and gave it a break.

And i believe if anyone can install, configure, manage and edit any cms or shopping system etc

Has a fair understanding how things tick, but that don't make them a coder, thank god for places like this.

If i was gonna licence any system, it would be cubecart, but not till i know how things tick

I want to learn everything i need to know about the code to build my own mods.

That way i won't have to spend 6 months lookin for help with simple s**t i should allready know

It's nice to have that bit of extra support, but sometimes they're all talkin chinese

Thank you :)

This isn't open source and No I don't want a list.

Indeed, and another thing to consider is that not everyone wants the same things from the software. The basic CubeCart package covers basic applications, and in comparison with other packages, does it quite well.

You should be pleased there are people out there willing to offer customisations at good prices. You are paying very little for this (CubeCart is FREE if you retain copyrights), and the alternatives of getting a professionally developed cart will cost you a lot. At the end of the day, you are making money from using the software by selling your products or services. If you are in a startup position with a small budget, then you have to compromise. You can't have everything for nothing.

I do agree in one respect (and havent missed the important point that you were making) that there small features that are not included that should be - by default, which are universal, and included in other packages. There are times this drives me mad :) BUT it's been easy to put right, and more often than not, a MOD to do this, or support request turned out to be free. I hope the developers will listen to that point, because I agree with you about it, it's a valid remark.

If you're willing to invest a little time into understanding the software, you can get a lot out of it. Every package has its pros and cons, and the best advice would be to make your own comparison against a wish-list taking your software development budget into consideration.

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