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PayPal IPN/Digital Download Link issue

Guest ClosedEyesSeeing

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Guest ClosedEyesSeeing

On my site, I use 3.0 CubeCart and have a customer that paid through PayPal IPN. I recieved payment from the individual, but his IPN referal was sent to a blank page. Too, no e-mail confirmation was sent to the customer with the digital download link. Is this a common problem or a configuration issue that I have seemed to of missed? I appreciate any insight you may be able to bring to me, I seem to be stuck.

-- ClosedEyesSeeing

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Guest groovejuice

First thing to do is get Markcart's bibles on IPN and Digital Downloads from cubecart.org/downloads. Go through his checklist and in 90% of the cases you'll be good to go.

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Guest ClosedEyesSeeing

First thing to do is get Markcart's bibles on IPN and Digital Downloads from cubecart.org/downloads. Go through his checklist and in 90% of the cases you'll be good to go.

Hey, thanks for the ideas. I'll try them out and let you know how it goes.

Thanks agian,


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Guest ClosedEyesSeeing

Well, that worked really well. Now I just seem to be running into the "Order Failed" issue. PayPal takes the money, redirects back and the website responds as Order Failed. Any thoughts?

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Guest ClosedEyesSeeing

CC is 3.0.8

But now I can get it to go through, but now I think the send mail is having an issue. But I feel that this may be from my host vs. a CC issue.

As a side question, what are peoples throughts on 2CO?

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Guest nwosbs

First thing to do is get Markcart's bibles on IPN and Digital Downloads from cubecart.org/downloads. Go through his checklist and in 90% of the cases you'll be good to go.

I can't find said file. Can you supply a link please?

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Guest nwosbs

OK, I now have:

1. PayPal sends the store confirmation that the purchase went through

2. PayPal sends me (the buyer) confirmation the purchase went through

3. ...wait, there is no 3! I am not getting any download links, or anything. I am also, if I return to the store, looking at my $.01 item sitting in my shopping basket!



Hey! Store security! Go eat another donut and mind your own business!

Seriously, if Paypal is taking my buyer money, and sending my store confirmation of the sale, where is my DL link?

Or, um... whatever?


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