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Google vs. The Other Search Engines

Guest magicpaul

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Guest magicpaul

Why is it that Google is the undisputed leading SE yet many other search engines seem so much better than Google in a number of areas?!

Yahoo and MSN are far better when it comes to indexing my sites than Google. They seem to pick up on how regularly they are being updated and revisit in good time. Google is much slower by comparison, sometimes going a month without revisiting a site that is being updated two or three times a week.

And is it just me or is Google becoming less and less relevent? A search for "magician" on Google only brings up 2 or 3 actual web sites of magicians on the first page, yet the same search on Yahoo brings up 7 or 8. This has always been Googles massive selling point. It was always so good at finding exactly what you were looking for with minumum hassle but I am find this is the case less and less.

From a business point of view you can't ignore the stats, and optimizing for Google must be an important factor, but when it comes to being a consumer I will be giving Yahoo my traffic from now on I think.

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I agree with you there, though it pains me to say it, i find m$n a much better engine when it comes to indexing, although google offers more (froogle, adsense, analytics, gmail etc).

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Guest Mysiteonline

I agree too.

I try to use MSN as much as possible to return the favour of good search results.

I have one site where i come number 2 for a very, very competetive keyword with MSN.

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Guest Mysiteonline

Its fairly easy to optimise your site for MSN.

What site is it your struggling with for MSN? I'll take a look and give you a few hints if i can.

Yahoo is a strange one, some of my sites do great others are nowhere!

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Guest jeromas

Google spiders the heck out of my video game website - they used up over 1.5 gigs of my bandwidth last month...but I'm still trying to get ranked highly on the search terms I'm interested in. With MSN, they don't hit my site nearly as much, but I'm getting very close to page 1 on search results for the terms I'm interested in, same thing with Yahoo.

The funny thing is, my Google Analytics shows 44 percent of my visitors come to me via organic (non-paid) Google searches.

I'm not sure what to tell you - Google is by no means irrelevant, as for the three websites I track, it is always used the most by far, but the other SEs do seem easier to get on top when using CubeCart.

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When you say "....Google is the undisputed leading SE..." what exactly do you mean? Do you know where your visitors are coming from? Do you know how many pages of your site have been indexed by which robots and how often? Here's one weeks worth of my vitamin site:

MSN Search 489

Ask Jeeves 128

Teoma (Mail Link) 128

GoogleBot 61

Inktomi Slurp 50

Yahoo! Slurp 50

ZyBorg Dead Link Checker 12

findlinks 4

Netcraft Web Server Survey 3

MJ12bot 2

Cerberian Drtrs 2

Alexa Archiver 2

libwww-perl 1

Altavista 1

Java 1

Lycos 1

These figures don't mean very much unless you are receiving visitors and more importantly CONVERSIONS. Maybe they are coming but not buying. ROI is a much more important stat that searches, indexing and the rest all put together.

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