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Custom XTemplate Based on Category?

Guest bababooey

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Guest bababooey

I need to show a custom View Category template based on the catID in the URL. I'm having problems determining how to query for the right categories. For example, I have one category that should be laid out a little different, and its category ID is 1. I need all of its SUBcategories to also use this template. So, I've made a new template:

$theid = $_GET['catId'];

if (($theid == 1)|| ()){

$view_cat = new XTemplate ("skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleTemplates/content/newviewCat.tpl");


$view_cat = new XTemplate ("skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl");


and I need to construct the "if" statement. I can get this to work for the category, but not the subcategories. I need to say, "If the catID is 1, or if the catID's cat_father_ID is 1, use newviewCat.tpl". So, everything that is either category 1, or whose Father Category ID in the database is 1, should use the new template - all other categories use the normal template.

This seems like a simple query. Can someone help, or point me to an existing mod? Thanks!

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Guest bababooey

Would you like this feature for every or some of top level categories? If so there is a mod in cubecart.org forum. Just send me a PM we can sort this out.

Currently, I only need this on one top level category, but it's possible I might need it for more than one. Basically, if the catID is 1, or the catID ISN'T 1, but it has a cat_father_ID of 1, then I need to show my custom View Category template. So I think I need that "Category Father ID" check.

I see the mod here: http://www.cubecart.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=210

Just wondering if that would work for the subcategories of the top level category as well? Thanks!

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