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How Many Orders?

Guest eLlIoTg

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Our Smith Sunglasses web site: www.shopmx.co.uk went live in Jan '06 and so far we have had 42 orders with a turn over of £2875. Bearing in mind this is a sunglasses web site and its not summer yet!!

How about you?


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Guest SaraW


Our Smith Sunglasses web site: www.shopmx.co.uk went live in Jan '06 and so far we have had 42 orders with a turn over of £2875. Bearing in mind this is a sunglasses web site and its not summer yet!!

How about you?


Congrats Acweb ;)

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493 orders since Sept. 05. But keep in mind that the majority of those are for free items that I have on my site. So it's not nearly as lucrative as it sounds.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest valencia

My site is a niche and so far 73 orders since january :)

Looking forward to more. I find that each mod that I add seems to add to the functionality of my store so I will be busy modding trying to sell more, more, more

Hopefully i can quit my day job soon and lie on a beach in Negril :errm:

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since Nov 04

www.316designs.co.uk has had 3000 orders + (CC2 and CC3 store)

www.cubecart-mods.co.uk has had 200 + orders (some free)

www.cubecartmall.com has had 20 orders

www.spreadcubecart.com has had 0 orders ( dont sell on it tho ;) )

www.deslamps.co.uk has had 500 orders+ ( Friends site I manage )(going thru upgrade as we speak)

www.catersalesltd.com has had 0 orders yet (just launched that one with a friend)

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The site that I currently have CubeCart installed on has been operational since March 05, but had other shopping carts on it until April 18th, 2006. I've been able to live off my Internet business since Sept. 04.

Having CubeCart has increased my sales - presumably because it's easier for the customer to use.

Since that time, I now have 9 pages of orders, with many free orders and several orders stuck in the pending state. I really don't know how many paid orders I have, but with the help of a Product Sales Stats mod, I can see that I have sold 261 products at a gross revenue of $6788. Unfortunately, that's not accurate, since I'm also using a coupon mod to discount some sales. Coupon discounts amount to a little over $800, leaving about $5900 in profit since April 18th. (3.5 weeks)

Additional (for accuracy), I also run an affiliate program, so some sales require commissions to be paid to my affiliates, so the above total isn't all mine either. I probably get about $4500 of the above figure.

Most orders are for only 1 product at a time, yet there are some orders for 2, 3, or even 4 products at a time.

Order stats are one area where CubeCart is lacking, and I'd really like to have a good accounting of orders, sales, and 'profit'.

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