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Last Admin Login Session

Guest daleross

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Guest daleross

I upgraded my cubecart to version 3.10 in february. Since I've updated it still shows my last log in session as being the date that i upgraded. It is not updating my sessions now.

Also when I click on server info while logged in as administrator it doesn't show anything, just a blank page on server info.

Any help is appreciated,



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Guest daleross

There is a 250 logins limitation and last login delete (huh).

Try to backup and truncate Admin sessions table content.

Thanks for your help. I did a successful truncate. It works great.

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Also when I click on server info while logged in as administrator it doesn't show anything, just a blank page on server info.

Yes, there is a bug.

This is the right code in admin/misc/info.php




$enableSSl = 1;


$sessionDomain = substr($GLOBALS['rootRel'],0, strlen($GLOBALS['rootRel'])-1);



$sessionName = "ccSID";

} else {

$sessionName = "ccSID-".md5($glob['rootRel']);





echo phpinfo();



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Guest daleross

I did the above instrutions and it made no difference. It still shows a blank screen

This is the original settings that I overwrote with the ones you suggested above.


$sessionDomain = substr($GLOBALS['rootRel'],0, strlen($GLOBALS['rootRel'])-1);



$sessionName = "ccSID";

} else {

$sessionName = "ccSID-".md5($glob['rootRel']);




echo phpinfo();



Any help with help a lot



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