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Security Issues

Guest Brivtech

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Guest Brivtech

Going through my server logs for a customer's website, I noticed a couple of things that seemed a bit out of place...

One of them was a referral from Google using the following keyword phrase:

filetype:sql credit card

Any ideas why someone would be using this and could this cause any security issues with CubeCart?

I also noticed that the Email a friend script was being used a lot since I posted an example site on here. I've disabled that until I make some modifications to only allow registered users to use the facility.

Are there any other potential issues I should know about?

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Guest gwizard

Actually, in my experience from both sides, the really bad ones are the ones you do not see or know about.....until it is too late. :D

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Guest Brivtech

Actually, in my experience from both sides, the really bad ones are the ones you do not see or know about.....until it is too late. :D

HEH! Thanks guys, Although I knew I didn't have such files saved into my hosting space, it was a concern nevertheless. Someone ought to give them kids a clip round the ear'ol!

Seems then that apart from a potential misuse by spammers on Tell A Friend, Brooky and the development team have CubeCart pretty well wrapped up security wise then. <_<

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Guest gwizard

1. Most of the hacks comes not from a badly written software but from a badly configured environment.

2. ALL software has a weak point. Always.

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