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SSL problem

Guest The Writing Tutor

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Guest The Writing Tutor

I am new to CC and have spent hours trying to read through and try the solutions offered by people who have similar problems, but none seem to work for me.

My host has recently installed my SSL certificate and dedicated IP address. It seems to be working properly.

I think my problem may be in the way my site is organized. My host allows me to have more than one site extending from the main account. They are actual domains, not subdomains, but I can control all of the sites from one control panel under the main account. (In order for this to work, subdomains have been created for each of the additonal sites.) For this reason, I am not sure that I am entering the correct path information into CubeCart's general settings screen.

I have entered the following:

Root SECURE Public HTML Folder to store: /cubecart/

Absolute SECURE URL to store: https://secure.thewritingtutorcourses.biz/a...ishing/cubecart

Server SECURE Root Directory: /home/thewsbiz/public_html/atozpublishing/cubecart

The URL for my cart is http://atozpublishing.biz/cubecart/ (You would also be able to access my store from http://www.thewritingtutorcourses.biz/atoz...shing/cubecart)

The URL for my SSL certificate is https://secure.thewritingtutorcourses.biz

I have tried adding "/atozpublishing" before "/cubecart/" on the "Root SECURE Public HTML Folder to store" line, but that does not work either. I am 99% certain that the "absolute secure URL" is correct. And I checked global.inc.php, so I think "server secure root directory" is also correct.

I am completely stumped!!

(I also tried to have my host place the SSL certificate in the AtoZpublishing site before it was originally installed, but they said they could not unless I changed the main account. At the time, I was afraid of making too many changes because I did not know how it would impact everything else.)

If I knew then what I know now, I would have set everything up differently from the start. I am learning as I go. I am hoping someone might be able to help me salvage what I have started without having to buy a new certificate or change my hosting situation. (You really do get what you pay for, but I am trying to save money until I get this thing up and running!)

Thanks in advance!!


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