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MySQL Database Import

Guest netrix

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Guest netrix

I'm trying to import a large database using PHPMyAdmin which has a 2mb limit on the file sizes. Now I can just move the customers account to another host that will provide a CLI or one that will import it themselves but it got my wheels turning and I wondered if there was any easy way to import/split larger databases. The file is 7mb gzipped and 74mb uncompressed. I tried using the linux split command but it has absolutely no regard for completing SQL statements so it breaks it every time. I tried splitting by line but some of the lines are extremely large so I end up with some files that are 700K and some that are 6mb. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Guest netrix

Ok I'm running behind schedule a bit but I finally had a chance to try this out and wanted to say it worked great! Thanks for the suggestion.

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