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A Few Questions

Guest Euan

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Guest Euan

I am looking to develop a website that will essentially be a store offering only downloadable products. The site is in the early stages of development so I have no screenshots of further information I can provide.

I was looking at a few other shopping cart scripts when someone (in another forum) recommended to me CubeCart. I have installed a version to allow me to look into the features, templates, etc and I am impressed with what it offers. I am also pleased to see an active user community and modifications available.

I have a couple of general questions about CubeCart to begin with. I am sure I will get more questions, etc but I will use the forums to search and try to find.

1. The store I am proposing will potentially have 6,000 - 10,000 products. I am aware at the point a lot will depend on my server but can CubeCart cope with that amount of products? (And does the search facility cope with that as well?)

2. We will potentially use PayPal Merchant Account to begin with. I would like that once they have paid they are automatically sent an email with the links to the files and that the links are available via their account. Is this possible?

3. Some products will be free. Is there anyway to avoid the payment page, etc so they only need to add to cart, register and then links are sent if they are 'purchasing' free products only?

Thanks for anyone able to offer some assistance.



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