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Displaying boxes (shopping cart, etc) on certain pages


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I have searched around and couldn't find anything in the forums, my apologies if someone else has started a similar topic.

I am currently building a brochure type site, that has a Cube Cart online store as an "extra feature".

Ideally I would like to be able to show the product page (viewProd.tpl) as just the product information (text and images, etc) with a buy/checkout button without the shopping cart/information box(es) being visible.

These boxes remaining visible on other store pages as required. Anyone got any ideas?

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REPLACE $box_content = $box_content->text("shopping_cart"); with

if (stristr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "viewProd") !== false) {

	$box_content = "";

} else {

	$box_content = $box_content->text("shopping_cart");


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Thanks for that Convict. I managed to work out another way of acheiving this.

In the main index.php, just before the final parse call, i put in this


if(!isset($_GET['act']) || $_GET['act']!="viewProd") {



And then put the folloiwing into {VAL_SKIN}/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl

<!-- BEGIN: shop_bar -->

<div id="shopBar">



<!-- END: shop_bar -->

That pretty much does the job. Obviously i had to change some of the css so that fixed sizes werent used for the class .boxContent. This was to ensure that on any pages where i didnt want the shopping cart box to be shown, the rest of the page content flowed in a way that filled the space wher the shopping cart box would have been.

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Thanks for that Convict. I managed to work out another way of acheiving this.

In the main index.php, just before the final parse call, i put in this


if(!isset($_GET['act']) || $_GET['act']!="viewProd") {



And then put the folloiwing into {VAL_SKIN}/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl

<!-- BEGIN: shop_bar -->

<div id="shopBar">



<!-- END: shop_bar -->

That pretty much does the job. Obviously i had to change some of the css so that fixed sizes werent used for the class .boxContent. This was to ensure that on any pages where i didnt want the shopping cart box to be shown, the rest of the page content flowed in a way that filled the space wher the shopping cart box would have been.

Well, my code is for standard CubeCart skins (fixed box size), own skin used just different solution ia required. :unsure:
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