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Completed Order Archive

Guest Quantum

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Guest Quantum

I may be being a complete dweeb here, but is there a way to archive your completed orders in the Admin section Customers>Orders?

Again, I may be wrong as I have not used CC3 before [used previous versions] but CC seems to keep all of your completed orders viewable in this section. I would like to be able to switch views, showing only outstanding orders, not completed. I do not want to delete completed orders from the DB, unless they are X months old, and I know I can do this manually.

Is there a mod available if this is not a built in function? Or if not, could someone point me in the right direction for writing one myself. I am not very good at PHP, but I will certainly try to do one. No harm in trying is there. Just do not know what connects to what or what needs changing to write the mod.

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