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Google Base Feed rejected by Google

Guest mook25

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Ok so i downloaded the google base feed from my shopping cart to pass to google and thought all had gone well until i received the following email,


Thank you for submitting a bulk upload to Google Base. We've reviewed

your bulk upload and need you to make changes. Your bulk upload has been

disapproved due to the reason(s) listed below.


1. Using Froogle attributes (fields)

2. Wrong country


1. Using Froogle attributes (fields): We noticed that your bulk upload

is using attribute names specified in the old Froogle product feed

format. For example, you've included "product_url" as an attribute name,

although this attribute is named "link" in the Google Base format. Please

convert your product feed to the new Google Base format by changing the

attributes names in your header line:

My questions are:

1) Is it not supposed to keep a correct directory for the google feed or is this a bug

2) If this is a bug will it be corrected in the next version?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have no idea what the problem is. I just uploaded a feed an hour ago and it was accepted without errors. I use 3.0.11

OK i figured out what the problem was and here's the answer if anyone else needs it.

delete any free products from the feed and change 'product_url' in the header line to 'link'

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Guest Kristina

I have no idea what the problem is. I just uploaded a feed an hour ago and it was accepted without errors. I use 3.0.11

OK i figured out what the problem was and here's the answer if anyone else needs it.

delete any free products from the feed and change 'product_url' in the header line to 'link'

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There are two fixes in there... one for the header and another for making the titles in the header compliant. You have to fix more than the link if you have images, etc.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest oxygene

Can you help, I cannot find the fix as listed?


I have no idea what the problem is. I just uploaded a feed an hour ago and it was accepted without errors. I use 3.0.11

OK i figured out what the problem was and here's the answer if anyone else needs it.

delete any free products from the feed and change 'product_url' in the header line to 'link'

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There are two fixes in there... one for the header and another for making the titles in the header compliant. You have to fix more than the link if you have images, etc.



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