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custom shipping method

Guest ChOpSueY!

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Guest ChOpSueY!

Hello m8`s...I have following problem with the shipping method:

I added a free shipping for orders over 150 euros. It works fine....

Now we habe the problem that somone has ordered a 100 kilo package which is over 150 euro so he do not has to pay for shipping. Now we must pay the shipping costs which are enormous (over 30 €).

I know that it is possible to enter a weight for the product. Now i want that cubecart checks the PRIZE and the WEIGHT so when the weight is over 30 kg only one shipping method is available. So it should use ONLY the weight-module and let the prize module disappear.

When i enable both modules it show shipping bei WEIGHT and the FREE SHIPPING...

anybody understood what i mean? ;) sorry i hate english

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