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Cubecart 3 Text Editor

Guest dreamkingdom

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Guest dreamkingdom

Hey there,

I use Photobucket as my photohost....I want to display some of my photos on my cube homepage using a slideshow that I can put together at Photobucket.

Why doesn't the editor in cubecart allow me to paste in the code when I select the source area??

Please let me know what I'm doing wrong ;)

I always use this sort of thing in my Ebay auctions or on a html webpage so I'm praying this isn't another restriction within the cubecart :)

Also, when I try to insert picture from the cube editor, the FckEditor (not sure if that right) will not display any of my files that I've uploaded to the server...Any ideas....it just finishes with nothing and says "error on page".

Thanks in advance for your help....



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Guest Brivtech

Some sites that are used as a storage service often have mechanisms to prevent other sites from displaying the images - Lycos is an example of this. The reason being is that they don't want people mooching their bandwidth.

I don't know the ins and outs of photobucket, however, you'll probably find that they are happy to allow you to link to the pictures, just not to display them offsite.

Why don't you simply upload these pictures onto your server that is running CubeCart? For starters, it'll probably display them faster.

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Guest dreamkingdom

Hey there,

There is no restrictions as to where I can link my photobucket images to....they give 3 different codes depending on where you use the code.

Here they are:

URL-link for a html clickable thumbnail

Tag-link for a html image

Img- links for clickable image for messageboards

The cubecart editor will not manually let me paste in code in the source area? Why not?

I've never had a problem pasting code into a source area of an editor before...Am I suppose to paste the code by using the fck editor functions?

Please explain if you don't mind....if I can't get a response through this reply I will post a new topic about it.



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Guest dreamkingdom

Hey there,

I guess this is my day of too many issues! LOL

Anyway, if you read any of my other posts you will see that I have a few different questions posted....but for this post I need to know why I can't paste code into the source (code) area of the text editor...

I'm trying to add the code for a slide show...nothing pops up when I right click to paste the code where I want it.

I've pasted it into one of my html pages I'm working on and it works fine.

Why is this happening?



www.dreamkingdom.us (in progress)

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Guest dreamkingdom

Hey there,

I'm assuming you are referring to the editor provided in the site doc area and the product description areas?? Forgive me...I'm still learning....in that editor I can click the source and it shows the code..I cannot paste my code in...no right click function at all.

Why won't it let me paste in the code??



Did you try using the source button in fck editor?
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Guest dreamkingdom

Oh!! Thank you so much! I pasted in the code and it shows the slideshow running in the editor window then when I "update homepage" ...it shows the window area outline with that x or some other mark in the upper left corner of the window where it should be.

Why is it disappearing? I was so excited! Now what do I try?

Thanks again,


It is an issue with the editor in general and not CubeCart. You can paste content by holding down the CTRL and pressing V
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