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Uploading Images

Guest rey1

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I am very new at this! I have been struggling with uploading my images for a couple of weeks. I am able to upload my images using my lap top but all of my images are on my desktop. I can not understand why I can upload with my lap top, both .jpg and .gif's but on my desktop I can only upload .gif's. Most of my images are jpegs.

My laptop is old and slow. I did download internet explorer 7, but don't know if that is it. The error I get is...

Error: cubeside.jpg is not a valid image type.

Can someone try to help me with this. As I said, I am very new at this!



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The only thing is that I am using internet explorer 6 on my lap top and I can upload images and I have downloaded the new internet explorer 7 on my desk top, where I can not upload images. Should I go back to Internet explorer 6 to see if that works? I just was not sure if this had anything to do with the problem. Wanted to make sure before I go back to 6.



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cubecart by default doesn't handle the .jpg extension. You can change this in admin/filemanager/upload.php. I always change the pjpeg to jpg and it works fine.

But if it was a file that needs to be changed would this not effect both of my computers? I can upload images to cube cart with my lap top but not with my desktop computer..all of my images are on my desk top?? I really need to be able to upload if possible with my desk top.


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cubecart by default doesn't handle the .jpg extension. You can change this in admin/filemanager/upload.php. I always change the pjpeg to jpg and it works fine.

But if it was a file that needs to be changed would this not effect both of my computers? I can upload images to cube cart with my lap top but not with my desktop computer..all of my images are on my desk top?? I really need to be able to upload if possible with my desk top.


OK, I am responding to myself here. I had internet explorer 6 on my lap top and 7 on my desk top. I just downloaded FoxFire on my desk top and what-do-you-know, it works so maybe I can start to build my store.

Thanks for all of the help!


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Ah sorry - didn't see that part that it was working on one computer and not another. I had this happen actually with a dell laptop - worked fine on every other computer except this 1 dell laptop. Never could figure that one out. Just didn't use it to work on the store. lol

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  • 2 months later...
Guest hobwebs

I can confirm that IE7 in some cases doesn't allow uploading simple .jpg images when adding a product in CubeCart. The simple cure? As mentioned before, ditch IE7 and use Firefox!

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