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PayPal Payments Pro - Testing question, requesting advice


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Ok, I've got everything installed, I think.

(I may still have a PayPal issue, but let's leave that aside for a moment.)

I want to be thorough and test all the scenerios that I know of. Please tell me if you think I missed something, or if I'm doing something that I should not do.

My store is selling from Milpitas, CA, USA, in Santa Clara county.

Thus, I will charge sales tax to CA residents, and because I am in Santa Clara, I charge 8.25% to anyone in CA. (If I had branch offices in various counties, I would need to be able to charge a different tax rate depending on the county.)

I setup 3 test users in PayPal sandbox.

1) bank acct + credit card, paypal verified, registered user on my site, CA address.

2) bank acct + credit card, not pp verified, registered user on my site, MD address.

3) credit card only, paypal verified, registered on my site, DC address.

Add a 4th user, starts out as guest on my site, no PayPal registration, CA address.

4th user comes to my site, picks an item, goes to checkout, and does registration and makes payment.

PayPal requests info, which I give, made up... except I use a real credit card number.

If all goes according to my understanding, this will toss a non-registered user to paypal, who then uses a credit card (mine) to purchase a product. Tax and everything goes through.

??? How do I know what credit card is used, in case there is a question, a fraud issue, or a refund? I find no info anywhere in the order. *** (see note below) Ran this test last night.

Plan to do same with each of the other 3 users, to compare results. Will use a different product for each, and have to lookup their PayPal info before submitting each order. (This is where I have an issue with PayPal, not them, but the CC modules, working on a fix). Will complete testing when fix is verified.

Is this testing what I think it is?

If so, I will also be testing these same 4 users with other tests with different shipping options, possibly using new users in order to get a new unregistered name, not sure if the express registration remembers customers who register once to buy a product, then come back later for another.

*** Now, the note. While talking to my credit card company today, they told me that they were notified of a fraud watch on my card by a card processor (mastercard). I'm wondering if the charge that went through as an order using my real credit card, really went through, assuming we are working in the sandbox. I would somehow think that this would stay within the sandbox and never reach out to mastercard, unless they need to reach out in order to verify expiration date or security code.

Has anyone had any experience with their personal card being marked for possible fraud, while testing their PayPal (or other gateway), when the handshake and protocol checking was done in sandbox mode???

Thanks. Once testing is done, I will probably call my card company back and ask if they can provide information on the possible use. They may have picked up on the Name or address not matching what is on the real card.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time, especially if you know how this works, or is supposed to work.

Once Al and dexter help sort out the other PayPal issue I will proceed, but will not do any more testing of the 4th user using a real credit card number, if people here can point out that indeed, the real card was checked, even though it was in a sandbox, I will get it all sorted out with the card issuers and processors, or alert them that this is not a fraud attempt, but a test of a legitimate store.


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