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i miss the 'good old days' already

Guest shereen

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Guest shereen


i discovered cubecart at the beginning of this year and my cousin-in-law, who is a novice but knew more than me at the time, helped me by installing and setting up cubecart for me. i told him how i wanted the site to look, and he struggled through but did a lot to help get me where i wanted to be. he then had to go away and get married so i then faced doing all this my own--i am NOT a coder and do not play one on t.v. it was a steep learning curve, but i have learned quite a bit; however, i'm stuck again and need some help.

things were just fine with IE6.0. my site looked exactly how i wanted it to be and there were no problems. i did notice that there was a problem when viewing my site in firefox or safari, but since i didn't know how to fix it and i couldn't afford to hire someone, i instead informed visitors that the site was best viewed in IE6.0 hoping that they'd get the hint that if they weren't using IE6.0, that would explain the glitch on the site.

well, now IE7.0 has come out and it is showing the same exact problem that was showing in firefox and safari...! i realized i had to deal with this now, but i'm hoping to kill 3 birds with one stone, so to speak.


[i'm using cubecart version 3.0.9 and the killer skin.]

i have a background image on the left side of the screen which is a strip of water drops that runs vertically down the length of the screen paralleling the length/height of the content box. i have the top categories at the top of the page and my site docs at the bottom of the page, below the content box. i also have the copyright below the site docs.

my cousin-in-law got it so that this background image was of variable length/height. in other words, every page has a content box of variable height, and so he somehow got the background image to be the same length as each content box on each page. the site docs and the copyright also changed their positions to be in sync w/the bottom of the content box. that way, if i had a short page (ie, short content box), the visitor didn't have to scroll so far down to get to the site docs. if the page was longer, the site docs (and copyright) would be found by scrolling down to the bottom of the page/content box.

so, my background image, site docs, and copyright were all in sync with the length/height of each content box on each of the pages.

in safari, firefox, and now IE7.0, i noticed that the site docs, copyright, and the background image became prematurely short: the background image was just a box near the top of the screen, instead of a long vertical strip; the site docs were located right below the top categories; and the copyright was superimposed or overlapping onto the text of the content box. this was the problem i didn't know how to fix in firefox and safari, but now it's doing it in IE7.0. i still do not have this issue at all in IE6.0--everything is perfect there.


i have temporarily fixed this by giving my background image an absolute fixed position (something like 3000 pixels for the height)--the copyright seems to be automatically slaved to the background image, so it moves according to the background image and that's fine. but the site docs do not seem to be slaved to the background image, so i've had to give that an absolute position as well. now i have the same length/height background image on all the pages--whether the pages are long or short--and the visitor has to scroll pretty far down to reach the site docs.


i would like to know how to sync the positioning of my background image/copyright and site docs with the length/height of the variable length/height of the content boxes. i've fiddled a bit and i figure i should be able to do this in the style sheets command pages under layout.css...???????? i have no idea where else to go. i just don't see the feature or command to help me do what i need to do. i have reviewed these features/commands over and over and over and i still can't find how to automatically link the background image/copyright and the site docs length/height w/the length of the content box


thanx! in advance.


ps. yes, i know that the site docs do not look centered on some screens, but they are on other screens...i hope to be able to deal with this as i find the solution to my current problem.


https://splas004.secure.omnis.com/store/index.php <-----if you want to skip the welcome page and go to the store directly

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Try adding the background image to the body tag, and tile it vertically.

If you are creating a site, use Firefox as the guide browser as it adheres to the standards more, as does IE7 in some respects. Your site worked better in IE6 because the coding was not correct in places, and IE6 compensates with guess work.

(Please keep to the facts, your problem will get more attention as it is less to read */* )

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