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Can I use my own CSS/XHTML pages and integrate CC with those?

Guest sahota

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Guest sahota


I already have a website done with XHTML and CSS. I want to sell products from my website. And want to integrate Cube Cart with my website. Can anybody tell me if I can keep same look and feel of site as its now with cubecart integrated with my website?

Things like width of center column, side columns, header, footer, can I just keep them same as they are now?Also if a page displays a selection of products, can I insert text above the images so that its search engine friendly and also tells beneifts to customer who buys products.

Any kind of comments are most welcome? Also I am not comfortable much with PHP and MYSQL, but I know programming C, C++ and will be able to understand PHP little bit as have written few contact us scrips for my site.


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Guest devstudent

Yes, it's the main reason I decided to go with Cube Cart myself over all the other options out there, Cube Cart was made specificly to be able to do this.

I thought they had this clearly listed on the Home page as a selling feature, but now that you asked I don't seem to see that mentioned, to answer your question though, yes, all the code that makes it work is seperated from the XHTML and CSS files just for this reason.

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Guest sahota

So then can I integrate it with my website with little knowledge of php that I have? I have not studied PHP much other than making few contact forms

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Guest devstudent

I would say you can, but I don't know you. What I would suggest you do is download the latest version of Cube Cart, it's free, unzip it on your local computer and look at the actual files to see for yourself if it looks like it will be doable with your own experience level.

It would take you less time to look for yourself than what its taken you to reply here.

The directories you'd probably be interested in once you unzip the files are in the following path...






These are the directories which contain the different options for the default look and feel of the install, the html and css stuff. Your also in luck, some of the more experienced developers have just started a new message board like this one just for customizing like you are asking about. It's something not officialy supported here just like your new car wouldn't be if you chopped the top off of it and wanted to remove all the doors for a breezy ride.

Now is actually the perfect time to head over there and post questions since they just opened the site like yesterday and it's currently full of experienced developers sitting around over there with nothing to do because not very many people know they are even there yet.

*Edit by moderator/admin. Promotion of 3rd party removed. 3rd party forums can be found here*

Over the next few days I think a couple more simular sites will be poping up, but the link above as far as I know is the only one actually open and in use at the time of this writting.

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