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Newbie Question


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(Sorry if asked and answered before - couldn't find answers using search or poking around.)

1. I use x-cart and am having trouble with people making multiple orders with sequential credit cards (what is that called?). Is this less likely to happen with CC? Is there a way to limit multiple orders? Manually disallowing various IPs seems like sticking a finger in the dike.

2. How big a problem is upgrading if I add various mods? or make my own?

3. Can I bulk upload my products once I set up my categories?

4. How and/or where do I find a helping hand to put on retainer for problems that arise along the way?

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Guest degsey69


With regards to number !.

Does the sequential cards with multiple orders imply you are getting fraudulant transactions? If it is then the solution is purely down to the gateway that you are using for your credit card transactions. If the company has a good security matching feature such as worldpay then it stops a lot of fraud.

Number 2

Adding mods is relatively easier than say oscomerce and its derivatives and according to your skills self modding is also easier than most shopping carts.

Number 3

There a number of bulk uploaders available, some are available in cubecart.org (look under archived forums for now)

Number 4

Also look in the archived forums in cubecart.org there are a number of people there who do good work and you will probaly get a few pm's from this post.

I have been using cubecart for about 18 months now and it works for me, after a loss of data on my server after a maintaince routine I performed, I decided to try oscommerce for a change and for experience. My clients hated it and my traffic and sales dropped by 2/3 with emails from clients saying that they would buy elsewhere because of the change.

Guess what, I soon found some saved backups, reapplied my mods and went back to cubecart and my customers love it.


Degsey :D

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Guest devstudent

The credit card fraud issue your talking about is something you need to solve with your payment gateway, not your software your using. Changing your software, but still using your same payment gateway and the same settings and options isn't going to fix anything for you.

Contact the support department of the company you are doing your payments through and they will be able to give you a solution to what is likely just one person doing this to you. Don't accept an answer from them that just the IP address should be blocked, that will never work, as soon as the person doing this to you see's that you have blocked the IP all they need to do is run ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew on their computer and they will have a new IP address that easy. You could spend the rest of your life trying to block every possible IP address just one single person could be coming at you from. Here's a tip on contacting them, pick up the phone and call them directly, trying to get a response out of most of them by email is usualy worthless I've found.

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