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ie6 problem can't add to basket


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OK, I've made a few minor changes to the HTML files, but for some reason when I try to add a product to the cart in ie6 it just won't - clicking on view basket just tells me that no products have been added.

Works fine in firefox can go right through the process.

I'm desperate to find a solution to this, as I just can not work out what I've done wrong. Testing through out the updating (unfinished) process has been primarily with Firefox, so I have only just noticed this error.

Is anyone able to shed any light on this? I've had a look through the forums, but there doesn't seem to be an answer that i can find yet.

My shop: http://www.little_cat_designs.buhh.net/shop/index.php



ps. not sure if this is relevant to this problem - but the language doesn't change in IE either (works fine in FF)

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