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Software sales examples?

Guest billholt

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Guest billholt

Perhaps this is obvious, but not to me. I've scanned though about thirty pages of sites using cubecart looking for an example, with no success.

What I'm interested in doing is allowing customers to purchase codes that would allow them to register copies of my software. I can gen a list of valid codes, and need for the customer to be able to send me money and download one of the codes.

Are there any examples of this sort of thing that anyone could point me toward?


Bill Holt

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Guest dudestore

There are few cubecart stores that require license to use scripts/software but I'm not sure if the license thing generate license # itself or the store owner manually create license #.

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I built something similar for my shop.

The way it works is that I created a PHP page where, based on the ordernumber, the buyer can request a key.

The script checks if the order was paid before it returns a key.

You can put the link to the script in the mail that is created when the customer paid the order amount.

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Guest billholt

Well, that's interesting. Example of it working good. Speech from the horse's mouse real good.

Tell me, robix, are you planning to can and sell your scripting? Can it handle multiple products?

I am not experienced with php scripting, and if you'd like a test dummy who can hellp you develop that as a product, well, I can be pretty dumb. :(

BTW: This is a topic that's being discussed in a thread of the Zen Cart forum. It looks like the developers are going to pick it up as a development feature ... real market. I think it was Zen ... maybe it was OS Commerce ... not totally sure.

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I've been working on a similar setup for my store, but I have to first make sure it's 100% foolproof. It'll work just fine for the scripts/applications I sell. The issue is that each piece of software will have its own criteria for a license key. Mine for instance is rather long with multiple encoding algorithms and some secret code thrown in for good measure. The key is then used to validate all aspects of the script installation. However some others may be as simple as a 20 character pseudo-random hash.

Your software will dictate how and in what form keys are required/presented. So having a blanket key generator that will work for anybody pretty much not possible.

That said, however, if you need something written specifically for your application, then there are places to find coders who specialize in CubeCart. There's a link to one of those such places in my sig.


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Guest billholt

Well guys, on thinking about it a bit, I think I'm going to change directions. I'm going the KAGI route for a year or so, and then I'll check back to see what sort of canned packages are available. Clearly, this is a bigger task than I'd imagined, and I just don't have time now.

Whoever comes up with a simple, flexible and stable package to do this, is going to have a nice market. I'd guess that about half of the value in KAGI is in this part of the service, the remainder being in the tax handling.

One suggestion, rather than working up a complex code generator, I can't imagine the circumstance where a long list of code is not ok.

Thanks for responding, and good luck with it.

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