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meta tags


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Hi there

does any one have any good tips for using meta tags, Browser Title, Meta Description:

i would love to hear any more info on these



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Guest Brivtech

- Browser title should feature some keywords about what the page is about, for instance, if you have

A Company Inc.

as the browser title, but you're selling strawberries, you'll lose a ranking point. Something like:

A Company Inc. :: Juicy Strawberries

would be much better. This would build your company name, and the product. Don't make them too long.

- Meta Description

This is what the search engine (depends on search engine) displays when you come up in the list, for instance:

"A Company Inc. is the leading supplier of juicy strawberries. Buy now while they're fresh!"

- Meta Keywords

Try to keep keywords relevant to the page. Long keyword lists that are completely different to the page content are sometimes penalised by certain search engines. In the above example, keywords could be:

"Juicy Strawberries, Fruit, Strawberries, Tasty, A Company Inc., Fresh, Townsville, Ship Worldwide"

I've seen some keyword lists that are 3 pages long, and list nothing but competitors and their products. Not good advice.

My other recommendation is to track down the SEO mod at www.cubecart.org, which improves CubeCart's meta tag generation, and also to look up meta tags in Google - There's a load os web pages giving you the dos and don'ts.

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