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not shure yet


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hey guys im doing this web site for a car audio distributor.now i want to make a shopping cart for him to.

see i have shopped arround and this is the clossest to what i need.

but im not shure cause i need it to be bug free and easy to work with


can i add visa mastercard payments.

can i get it all in french even the admin section?

i have lots of stuff to but in there will it bug out?overflow?

and will it take tim to make this shopping cart?cause i know that there is some that you can multiple upload images..


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thx for the reply.i will try it out.the only thing is that i did not see visa or mastercard module?and can i get it all in french?

The customer side you can have in French but there isnt an Admin translation that i am aware of. There are many credit card modules installed as standard such as Authorize.net but for that you will need an Internet Merchant Account unless you are collecting the credit card information to process by hand. There isnt a supported Manual Credit Card Mod at this time but you can use the services of Mals-e which collects the information for you to process later. It might be wise to do your own research regarding what is legally required by the aquiring banks for you to manually process credit cards :)

cool thx.what do you mean removing the copyright notice?

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When you install CC above the title bar and at the bottom there is a copyright of CybeCart, once you get a licence and insert it, these will automatically be removed. :)

As for the French Admin side, you can (if you want) do this yourself but its not an easy task.

There is a 3rd party manual credit card processing but search for this to see also the minus side of things.

Hope this helps :on2long:

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