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removing links

Guest lordbarron

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Guest lordbarron

I would just like to vent my frustration that we are not allowed to post links to 3rd party sites. So often these useful links are removed from the site. What is the reasoning behind this policy? I think whatever your reasons if we were allowed to include links and keep them moderated then the forum would be richer for the experience.

just a thought

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There are MANY 3rd party links that are just fine to include. However there are also some that aren't. It's also not always clear to all moderators what should and shouldn't be allowed. And the default is to hide or unpublish the post if there is doubt....we can always put it back if necessary.

This decision has been made for a reason. It prevents people from advertising themselves or others. That's not what this forum is here for. It also prevents people from adversing the competition.


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