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Combine eBay and CubeCart

Guest stmack89

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Guest stmack89


I am looking for a way to connect my ebay and cubecart inventory to the same inventory database.

I will first try to describe to you exactly it is that I need.

I have 20 of "item a" in my inventory.

I go to list an auction to ebay, and for each purchase I send the buyer 1 of "item a" to the buyer

THEN I have a different auction on eBay, and for each purchase I send out 2 of "item a" to the buyer

And then I have yet another auction; however, for each purchase I send out 4 of "item a" to the buyer.

Does anyone know how I could use my inventory so that I can take different amounts of "item a" for each type of auction (like stated above)? The only thing that I have figured out so far is creating an inventory item for each option (1 inventory item for 100 green glow sticks, another for 200 green glow sticks etc.) What I really need is a solution that only has 1 inventory for "100 green glow sticks" and every time I sell an item for 200 it will take 2 items out of the "100 green glow sticks" inventory.

OR even a mod that allows me to make bundle items and every time I sell a bundle it takes out each item from its proper inventory name (like if I had a bundle for an xbox, controller, and car game, when I sell a bundle it would take 1 item from my xbox inventory, 1 item from by controller inventory, and 1 item from my car game inventory).

I also need a way to hook my store up to eBay so that all of my inventory in my auctions can be connected to my store (so that I can offer my buyers more accurate information about my stock level as well preventing overselling).

ANY information would be greatly appreciated. I have looked and looked for days with no success.



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Guest Brivtech

It is possible to have Ebay working with an eCommerce program, I resell one myself, but it's not something that CubeCart can achieve at this moment. They will need a developer's license, and then need to format the output in the corret way for Google to use. Subsequently, CubeCart would then need another modification to receive data back from Google to update the inventory accordingly.

Until the developers pull their fingers out on this, you'll have to update everything manually, and my suggestion would be that if you're selling a number of items that are the same, always keep a small reserve stock to cover you should you sell out both on Google and on your CubeCart store.

With your glow sticks, as you are selling them in multiples of 100, think of the stock like this rather:

Item: Glow sticks (Pack of 100)

Quantity: 2

So that works out as you can see as 200 glow sticks, or rather for simplicity, 2 packs of 100 glow sticks.

To be honest, Ebay works for some people, but it's not necessarily that profitable. My own research has shown that in the majority of cases, you would be better off investing your high listing fees and comissions into improving your own website through SEO, and marketing, including some keyword advertising. Ebay may have become a web giant, but they are not so big that they have taken the market away from eCommerce shops. In fact, there's a new trend that is moving people away from Ebay.

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Guest stmack89


And I agree that eBay had become too big. I am sick of paying hundreds every month in fees to them. I'm thinking of moving away myself.

Thanks for all of the advice! (and I tried cubecart.org yesterday and they did not allow me to sign up on their forum??)

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And I agree that eBay had become too big. I am sick of paying hundreds every month in fees to them. I'm thinking of moving away myself.

Thanks for all of the advice! (and I tried cubecart.org yesterday and they did not allow me to sign up on their forum??)

CubeCart.org closed a while ago. Check out the new Communities link in the directory on CubeCart.org.

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