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General Questions

Guest jobby

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Guest jobby

I have two very simple questions:

1) Is there a way to import your product data?

2) Let say I have a product: "Men's White T-shirts"

I have a inventory and sizes of 2/XL - 3/L - 10/M - 2/S.

Is there a way on the product page to have different sizes and inventory numbers.

Thanks, Bob

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Guest Brivtech

I have two very simple questions:

1) Is there a way to import your product data?

This would require a third party modification, as such a function is not part of the CubeCart core system. Go to www.cubecart.org to find third party modifications, as they are not supported here.

2) Let say I have a product: "Men's White T-shirts"

I have a inventory and sizes of 2/XL - 3/L - 10/M - 2/S.

Is there a way on the product page to have different sizes and inventory numbers.

Yes, this can be done easily using Product Options. You will need to create the the options first, then apply them to any particular products. Product options do not affect stock inventory levels, so in your example above, if you sell out of XL, you will need to manually remove the product option to reflect the stock level accordingly. Product options can include a price adjustment according to the option, and finally, if you want more control over product options and stock control, if my memory serves me correctly, a third party modification was able to do this, again check over at www.cubecart.org for details.

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