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Google Analytics not working

Guest Evismaniac

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Guest Evismaniac

Hi folks.

i've always used Statcounter to monitor my websites, but fancied giving Google Analytics a go instead.

I've put the code in the index and cart and google is saying the code is installed and receiving data, but there is no data. everything is at 0!

Statcounter is still working fine.

Any ideas whats going on?


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Guest Evismaniac

Thanks for the reply!

Are goals required for it to work then? I assumed it would just do normal visitor monitoring, referers etc.

I have configured a goal now, and looking at the dashboard I can see stats since I installed it last week.

So thanks for the heads up, seems that that has done the trick!

Have you configured your Google Analytics account with goals?

I'm assuming your store has had traffic and purchases to be able to accumulate statistics?

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Guest leviwilcox

I can get the goals to work properly, but my e-commerce values aren't being reported. I'm using the instructions from here.

** Link Removed - The heavy management mob**

If anyone has any insight, I'd sure appreciate it. I'm pretty well versed with this kind of stuff but I can't get this working...

thanks ahead of time

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Guest webicon

1. Seems an obvious question - forgive me? Are you sure you installed the code in the correct area?

the code should be in skins/{yourskin}/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl AND just before the closing </body> tag.

2. I dont know what program you are using to edit the file - but SOME try to convert the quotes in the Google tracker code from quote marks into xhtml correct &quot; - this will give the illusion of receiving data - but is not actually passing your id to Google. Edit with notepad and put the quote marks back in of this is the case.

BTW. I have no goals set up in google - I'm just tracking for what Googles is saying versus my other stats packages so I dont believe you need goals to get working as my data is showing up just fine...

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Guest Evismaniac

this still isnt working for me properly. only data iv got is what appeared when I setup that goal. No new data. looking at statcounter im getting a lot of hits (mainly as im still developing but a fair few from search engines too)

the code is definitely in the right place, and google says its receiving data so i assume it should be working at this stage.

do i need to setup more goals? seems a bit odd. all i want are refering sites and visitor sctivity etc.

very strange.

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