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Guest benji_styler

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Guest benji_styler

Hi im currently developing a cubecart site. Wanted to know if anyone could offer me any advice on how to seperate the header for each page so it doesnt have to reload each time. I have a flash music play in the header and it reloads everytime the user goes to a different page.

I could probably achieve this with frames but they are bad web design practice. is there any other way i could stop the header from reloading on every page? iv heard of iframe but not quite sure what they are...

Any help/advice would be greatly appriciated,



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Guest benji_styler

iv done some research. i think frames are the only way i can achieve what i want.

If i do use a frame for the top header, how will it affect how my store operates? will it affect how search engines list my site. The address is Here

any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated,



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