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Guest victoria16

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Guest victoria16

I have just used whatsmypagerank.com to check on my web site ranking and only 9 pages have been indexed. The thing is i have 9 main categories on my home page and also 5 site document categories at the bottom of my page, Some of the 9 main categories also have sub categories with several pages of items on each. Is it just a matter of waiting for the search engines to fully index my site or must i make it more accessible my self. I have seen a mod somewhere for a search engine mod but can't seem to find it would this be a start to making my site more search engine friendly.

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Guest victoria16

I have downloaded the mod but not too sure about installing it. I have made some mods to the original skin i was using as i am now using the smart black skin like yourself, i have also put Google Analytics coding and some page counter coding into my site and according to the instructions to the seo mod you need to use winmerge if you have made any alterations to the original. Because of these alterations would i need to use winmerge, having looked at it I'm afraid i don't have a clue as how to use it was rather hoping it would be a simple mod. :)

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Guest victoria16

Well i went for broke and installed the mod and to me every thing seems to be working. Can someone take a look at my site to see if things are as they should be because it still shows shop.php in the URL if you know what i mean.

Please note that my site is for lingerie and does contain some nudity.

My Webpage

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Guest pixelsdesign

Well i went for broke and installed the mod and to me every thing seems to be working. Can someone take a look at my site to see if things are as they should be because it still shows shop.php in the URL if you know what i mean.

Please note that my site is for lingerie and does contain some nudity.

My Webpage

you need to check you header image size. It's over flow onto the gray bar underneath and your welcome [login] is drop off to the background and can't see too well.

I'm using safari.


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Guest victoria16

I am using MSIE 7 and it's OK with that browser, i have used fire fox too and the only problem i found was the currency and language boxes were placed wrong so i was going to remove those. I don't actually know how to fix any problems with other web browsers but hopefully someone can advise, but the main thing is i just need to make sure that the seo is working correctly.

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