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SEO MOD Problems??????

Guest Jim Guinn

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Guest Jim Guinn

In the beginning of May, I purchased Sir William's "Search engine friendly URLs with PHP session killer and Meta tags Mod for CubeCart 3 - Otherwise known as the SEO mod...".

Up until this purchase I was fairly pleased with my SEO results, but wanted to do better. My impression was this Mod would help my SEO rankings. (Or, did I make a mistake?)

Disclaimer: This is not rant or flame of Sir Wiliam. I have read some good "reviews" about his Mod. I just want to know what is going on here....in my situation.

Since installing Sir William's Mod and configuring it to "recommended",my site has virtually dropped off the face of the earth as far as Search Engine Rankings!

Is anyone experiencing similar? Is anyone experiencing the same? Assuming Sir William's Mod is "helping" my SEO, why has my site disappeared?


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Guest webicon

The trouble is you've made the mistake of thinking that you can keep what you have already achieved with the search engines and just do "better".... I'm really not trying to criticise - but search engines use a multitude of criteria to judge how good your page is...

You may have built up a good reputation for your pages selling a particular product which gave you good rankings . Then by installing the mod - you completely change the way that you are asking the search engines to look at your site. Your effectively saying - all of my previous pages no longer exist but here are a whole new set of pages (which have been optimised to be seen more favourably)! It takes a while for them to spider and rank and 'trust' you again...

Can I ask how long its been since you added the mod to your site?

These things don't happen overnight - On one site where I was doing well and added this mod (but by a different author) it took nearer 4 months to get back previous listings - but with it I did get additional listings for products that I previously was not ranking in at all. It just took time.

What i'm saying is - Dont be disheartened - You haven't 'broken' anything that won't be fixed over time!

EDIT: ***Apologies - Shouldn't be talking about mods here! ***

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Guest Jim Guinn

Thank you! That explains why I have dropped out of site on the SE's. I only installed the mod about 1 month ago. As long as I know they will start to bounce back...and maybe even improve...I can wait.


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Uhh....for the record, the SEO mod is NOT mine. I have nothing to do with it. It's written by Rukiman.

Just trying to clear the air a bit.


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Guest Jim Guinn

Uhh....for the record, the SEO mod is NOT mine. I have nothing to do with it. It's written by Rukiman.

Just trying to clear the air a bit.


OOPS! :w00t: , My apologies, Sir William, I opened the wrong folder to check the refererence when I wrote this post. Your correction is noted


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Guest Jim Guinn

Please note 3rd party mod discussions are not permitted in this forum.

Gottcha! But, I am still not sure why if it is about helping one another. Let's face it, we wouldn't even be talking about 3rd party mods if we didn't already use...and some of us pay for....the basic CubeCart. I would think having these mods and helping one another would just make CubeCart more appealing to even a larger audience. Hope I don't step on toes saying this. :w00t:


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Guest Brivtech

Gottcha! But, I am still not sure why if it is about helping one another. Let's face it, we wouldn't even be talking about 3rd party mods if we didn't already use...and some of us pay for....the basic CubeCart.

Hello Jim,

There is a provision made for third party modifications, and this is over at www.cubecart.com. There is also a forum dedicated to this cause.

I understand your point, but the policy decision comes as a result of past experiences. This is why we point people to where their enquiries can be best dealt with - By those who create the modifications in the first place.

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Guest Jim Guinn

Thanks for the explanation. I guess my experience with this forum is still rather new, and I may not appreciate the complications fully.


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