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Charity shop

Guest Lornz

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Guest Lornz

one of my shops is now a charity is there a mod for having a button that says for donations to gift aid their contribution.



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This isn't really a mod. If you are using something like a PayPal Donate button, you just put the HTML into one of your template files or on your front page, etc. No biggie.

If, however, you'd like people to be able to buy a "Donation" product, just specify what it is, make the price $1 or $5 or $10...whatever your typical donor base would normally do....and let them specify their gift amount by "buying" a quantity of that product. Should be no biggie.


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Guest Lornz

This isn't really a mod. If you are using something like a PayPal Donate button, you just put the HTML into one of your template files or on your front page, etc. No biggie.

If, however, you'd like people to be able to buy a "Donation" product, just specify what it is, make the price $1 or $5 or $10...whatever your typical donor base would normally do....and let them specify their gift amount by "buying" a quantity of that product. Should be no biggie.


Thank you for your reply.

Not sure if in America you have this but in England if your a registered charity and someone donates money to you, you can then get money from the Govenment, all the donator has to do is tick a box saying they would like to gift aid their contrubution and that they are a UK tax payer. This is the extra function I would like for my site.

Had a look at the third party section do I have to register with them as well?



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