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Fixed problems with USPS and Godaddy Hosting, But.......

Guest blueveil

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Guest blueveil

Fixed problems with USPS and Godaddy Hosting, But.......

I get usps Priority mail Flat rate box, and envelope,

BUT no option for standard priority mail tyveck envleope or box.

Is there any way to add that option?

Is this something I can add to the php file?

Or maybe I am just out to lunch, and didn't see the option.

I ship all my packages USPS priority mail, but not in the flat rate box, or envelope.

This would clinch the deal, and I could feel confident enough to buy the license.

Thank you in advance.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Guest ladyabbie

I have the same issue with cubecart. I have never understood why USPS shipping is set up the way it is on this program. Most of my packages are sent out in my own packaging via USPS priority and it usually only costs (up to about 1lb) $4.60 for me to ship it anywhere in the US - yet a flat rate box is $8.95. So I have never used the USPS shipping module.

I have had to set up my shipping rates by value - which required buying a separate mod, which I don't really like because sometimes I lose money and sometimes I overcharge the customer. I am not out to make money on shipping so I would really like a more accurate shipping calculator.

I hope this issue will be solved with the new version of cubecart because it is the one major issue I have had with this program - and as Ed mentioned, the one thing that keeps me from fully committing and not looking for a better store option. I would really like a system that allows for a weight and zip code calculation, much like the one used by @bay.

If I am missing something and there is a better and more accurate way to set up shipping costs, I would deeply appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction.

Thanks much,


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