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How to gett a printer friendly inventory list

Guest rame

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I dont know if this posible i would like to get a printer friendly inventory list.

A list as a openoffice file or exel or eny thing like it. I sell a lot on markkets and ther for nead to have the posibilety to sheck what I have in the stor and what is sold doring the market.

thankful for all help

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As I said earlier today in another post -

Output the froogle feed. It outputs a deliminated text file that you can easily open in Excel, do whatever you want with it, and print it or store it. Easy peasy.

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Hi ther

I found one string consurning this but that did not realy help. Could you give a closer description on how to do it. If you could post a closer description that would be of great help.


As I said earlier today in another post -

Output the froogle feed. It outputs a deliminated text file that you can easily open in Excel, do whatever you want with it, and print it or store it. Easy peasy.

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Just click on the froogle or google base logo in the top right corner of "view products" from your admin control panel, save it to your computer, and then open the file in Excel.

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Hi thanks agen for the help ! !

I know I have seen thet some wher but cant remember how to get ther. could you pleas give me a more presise instruktion on how to get ther. is it within phpmyadmin .thanks

Just click on the froogle or google base logo in the top right corner of "view products" from your admin control panel, save it to your computer, and then open the file in Excel.
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As I said already, it's in the top right corner of view products in your admin control panel - the cubecart control panel. Not phpmyadmin - your cubecart control panel (where you log in as administrator).

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From memory the 'Google Base' report won't give you actual stock levels, which maybe what rame is after (rame pls confirm)

I use Estelle's stock levels for product options (which is essential for my store) so struggled to get a consolidated stock level for each variant.

In the end I wrote a .php script to join all the tables together to give me what I needed. Happy to share with anyone if there is demand

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Hmm didn't think of stock levels since I don't use them in my stores really. I just print out a list for myself so I can recheck what I have added and what I have yet to add :cry: In my case, it would be easy to add that info to the excel spreadsheet after you export it from cubecart.

You could also duplicate the google feed renaming it something like "inventory list" and pull out any data you wanted from it pretty easily.

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