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shipping by weight

Guest FindBeads

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Guest FindBeads


I only set this up a couple of days ago, and I'm having 2 small problems.

My first is shipping by weight. My products are very light, nothing even weighs 1/2 a kilo by itself. Most products weight 25 - 50 grams. So I set each product up with .025 or .03 kilo.

So when I placed an order to check this, the order screen says "the weight of your order is over the maximum allowed weight. please remove something from your basket." or something close to that :(

The order was for 3 items, each weighing .03 or .035 of a kilo (30 or 35 grams each). The only way I could finish the order was to change shipping to 'free' and then it let me finish. But I don't want to give everyone free shipping.

My second question. I found an answer to this once, but didn't bookmark it. I want the products on the user pages to show up by my product code order. I saw I can change the database product ids, but there was another way to do it, and I've lost the link. Could someone point me in the right direction, please?

Thanks so much - I'm having a great time with this cart!


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