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Question on using a forum with your site

Guest eric47905

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Guest eric47905

I hope I can discuss this here, it looks like here we are able to go beyond standard cubecart talk.

I hope that someone might know my answer for this, everyone here is very helpful and friendly unlike at the phpbb site so I though I'd try it out.

I have a phpbb forum installed in a subdomain along with my store. I had it named /forum, and then to subdomain - forum.xxxx.com but each time as soon as it was set up, 200-300 requests a day would come through for bogus accounts, so I have had to move it up to admin approves, and still you had to go through and delete the junk users every day, way too many. Also the user must verify tilted letters from an image, so security is in place, but??

I switched it to subdomain intheknow.xxxx.com and that curved it down, but I still had forum as the link from my site, so I was still getting about 50 a day. So now I have changed it to talk, and no bogus requests have come through at all.

I just updated and redesigned my front page and forgot and put forum in the opening paragraph with a link to my forum and not 5 min later I had 3 bogus sign ups already. Needless to say I ran back in and changed it to talk are instead of the word forum, but that seems so lame.

I was wondering if anyone ever had this trouble and what you might be able to do to combat it? I want to use the word forum on my site without fear of hundreds of bogus signups.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this

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Guest eric47905

Thanks, they arent very quick over at phpbb to tell you what you have just said...haha

Ill have to look into the ones you say and some others then, because that is a headache I just cant stand :errm:

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