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Company Title

Guest markus40

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Guest markus40

Hello everyone

I would like to put my company name at the top of my page, for example I am using the Killer skin which means that i have category boxes going across the top, i have this huge white gap above it which i would like to fill with my company name and or logo, so, firstly can this be done and secondly can someone tell me how to do it, i would appreciate someones help please

bestest regards


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Guest eric47905

I dont want to sound rude here, but do you even bother searching the forums?

Everyone of your posts has been answered about a hundred times.

First of all, this post should be under skinning category. Second of all if you had even opened the pinned post "Skining, Templates and Layout Modification, Skining Tricks, Tips and more advanced" the third entery down is called "How do i change my Logo?"

see http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....amp;#entry52707

The reason you dont seem to be getting much response is that you are not really trying to help yourself before asking these questions.

Please take a minute before posting and look through the forum for your answer, common things like this have been answered already. And make sure you post in the right forum section otherwise your post will get overlooked!


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Guest markus40

Hi Eric

My sincere apologies for that, to be honest with you I didnt look and I should of done and for that I apologise but I do appreciate you giving me the link anyway, in future I shall do the necessary searches

best regards


I dont want to sound rude here, but do you even bother searching the forums?

Everyone of your posts has been answered about a hundred times.

First of all, this post should be under skinning category. Second of all if you had even opened the pinned post "Skining, Templates and Layout Modification, Skining Tricks, Tips and more advanced" the third entery down is called "How do i change my Logo?"

see http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....amp;#entry52707

The reason you dont seem to be getting much response is that you are not really trying to help yourself before asking these questions.

Please take a minute before posting and look through the forum for your answer, common things like this have been answered already. And make sure you post in the right forum section otherwise your post will get overlooked!


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