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checking postcode field in registration form

Guest zenkitty

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Guest zenkitty

Hi - my client wants it so the postcode on the registration form can contain numbers only (she only sells to Australian customers). I thought this would be a relatively simple thing to check for, but can't seem to get it to work.

In includes/content/reg.inc.php, under the check for the phone number, I've added this:

	} elseif(!ereg("[0-9]",$_POST['postcode'])) {


	$errorMsg = $lang['front']['reg']['enter_valid_postcode'];

so that I now have this:

	if(empty($_POST['firstName']) || empty($_POST['lastName']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['phone']) || empty($_POST['add_1']) || empty($_POST['town']) || empty($_POST['county']) || empty($_POST['postcode']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['passwordConf'])){


	$errorMsg = $lang['front']['reg']['fill_required'];	

	} elseif($_POST['password'] !== $_POST['passwordConf']) {


	$errorMsg = $lang['front']['reg']['pass_not_match'];


	} elseif(validateEmail($_POST['email'])==FALSE) {


	$errorMsg = $lang['front']['reg']['enter_valid_email'];


	} elseif(!ereg("[0-9]",$_POST['phone'])) {


	$errorMsg = $lang['front']['reg']['enter_valid_tel'];


	} elseif(!ereg("[0-9]",$_POST['postcode'])) {


	$errorMsg = $lang['front']['reg']['enter_valid_postcode'];


	} elseif(!empty($_POST['mobile']) && !ereg("[0-9]",$_POST['mobile'])) {


	$errorMsg = $lang['front']['reg']['enter_valid_tel'];



I also added the following into language/en/lang.inc.php under the line for 'enter_valid_tel':

'enter_valid_postcode' => "Please enter a valid postcode.",

However, this doesn't work - the registration form can still be submitted with letters in the postcode field.

Have I got the right files? Is there something I've missed? You can probably tell my PHP skills aren't that great, so if anyone could give me a hand to get this to work it would be greatly appreciated.


- Deb

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