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Return URL not sent on repeat purchase using Mac Firefox/Safari

Guest Doug Falconer

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Guest Doug Falconer

I am developing a shop including digital downloads, using CC3, hosted on Unix.

Everything is fine, except when I order using any browser on Mac OSX, one transaction (to either Paymate or Paypal) goes through fine, but a second one in the same browser session is accepted but fails to return me to the site to enable downloads. I changed the send method to get and intercepted the variables shown below.

We couldn't work out why no-one else on these forums were having the trouble we were. Then we had a brain wave to try some other computer configurations, cos both the client and I work on Macs, and coincidentally both use Firefox for a browser.

I fired up my old XP machine and immediately put through 4 successful transactions using Explorer 7. Firefox on XP worked fine as well.

However, both Safari and Firefox on Mac showed the behaviour outlined below - i.e. that a first transaction would succeed, but any further transactions would be processed correctly by Paymate up to confirmation, but not send us back to the site for download. IOW, the return URL (among other things) was not being sent.

I have NO IDEA how this could happen, since all the browser is doing is clicking on a button to execute a function on a Unix server running PHP script.

The shop is password protected while under development, but I've tried it with it open and the problem persists.

I intercepted the hidden variables for two transactions made one immediately after the other:

No. 1:













No. 2:





So indeed, the cart is failing to pass on the variables the second time.

After logging out of the shop and back in, deleting the cart and trying again, same thing:





If I quit the browser and restart:














I notice the ref variable is the same for the failed transactions. I'm guessing that this is the cause of the problem.

Can anyone shed some light on this - it's driving me crazy!

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