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Novice Question - How difficult is it to take my skin from CC3 to CC4?

Guest anon

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I was something of a novice with CC3 but had put in a lot of work on the skin and was 80% there. Is it possible to take that skin and apply it to CC4? I'd put in some basic mods and don't mind redoing some of the work but to start it all again from scratch would be a pain and take me months. I haven't downloaded the trial version yet as 14 days isn't long so I want to be sure of what my plan will be. Any suggestions? Cheers!

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While you cant use the cc3 skin on version 4 because the coding is different - It should be too difficult to get the V4 skinned as per your current site as the principle is the same - Global Template+ CSS...

If you created your own skin for V3 - you should be able to skin 4 in your sleep.

If you need help with this you could post over at cubecartforums.org...

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Guest paulabakerparkin

The main difference between the two versions in regards to skins is the fact that the a ref links are different, thus it would be a case of changing all the links to match within the tpl files. You would then need to add the extra bits such as reviews to the CC3 tpl files as well.

It isn't as difficult as it sounds, just compare each tpl file and slowly go through them line by line to make sure you don't miss anything!

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Thanks for replying. I feel more confident now that I'll be able to redo the skin. If it's a case of comparing and copying the changes over then I should just about be able to manage it!

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