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Sub-category bullet problem

Guest acschnabel

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Guest acschnabel

I want to just list the product sub-categories in a bulleted list. I can get the bullets in the subcategory listing, but they line up one next to another, except as with a line break in between. Here is my bulleted code without bullets.

<div id="subCats">

	<!-- BEGIN: sub_cats_loop -->

	<span class="subCat">

		<a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault"><!-- <img src="{IMG_CATEGORY}" alt="{TXT_CATEGORY}" border="0" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}" /> --></a> 

		<a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a><!--({NO_PRODUCTS})-->


	<!-- END: sub_cats_loop -->



With Bullets next. This shows bullets, but does not line break between them.


<div id="subCats">

	<!-- BEGIN: sub_cats_loop -->

	<span class="subCat">

		<li><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault"><!-- <img src="{IMG_CATEGORY}" alt="{TXT_CATEGORY}" border="0" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}" /> --></a> 

		<a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a></li><!--({NO_PRODUCTS})-->


	<!-- END: sub_cats_loop -->




I tried adding both a <br> and <p> tag after the </li> and that did not seem to work.

I have attached 2 images of what the bullets look like now


and what they need to look like.

I can handle the bullet image later, after I get them aligned.

Sorry if this has been answered already, but I could not find anything on it. THanks for your time.


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Guest ontdekislam

Very interesting post! I dont like the standard catagory list aswell, with all the folders..

I would love to have the same system as you showed us here, where can i add this code? Could you give me some advice please?

Nice mod, hope you can help !

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