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Products Available Counter not functioning


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I'm a bit confused because the product counter has stopped functioning. I have the products set to use the counter but, although orders are coming through fine, the counter refuses to countdown as orders are completed so I'm having to do it manually.

We are a not for profit community sport event provider and are "selling" places at events so it is really important that this function works.

It has worked perfectly in the past and, as far as I'm aware, I don't believe I've made any mods to CC3 since our last round of events and so this came as quite a surprise.

As I'm no expert here, I'd be grateful if someone could give me a clue as to what might be happening and how to remedy it.

I'd also be grateful if someone could tell me how to alter the text "Print you Booking" on the "act=step5" page of the cart. I've obviously found it previously but can't find it now! I've scoured language but can't see it in there!

Many thanks for your help


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