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Cubecart Without Shopping?

Guest Brian Morris

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Guest Brian Morris

I am looking for a way to display items and have all the functionality of an on-line store with the buying aspect.

In other words, is it possible to modify CubeCart so that it will display products and information about the products without have a buy buttons or shopping cart fuctionality (which the client wants to add later on)?

So basically, for now, a CMS for products with the ability to add buying later.

Sorry to repeat, just trying to be clear.

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I am looking for a way to display items and have all the functionality of an on-line store with the buying aspect.

In other words, is it possible to modify CubeCart so that it will display products and information about the products without have a buy buttons or shopping cart fuctionality (which the client wants to add later on)?

So basically, for now, a CMS for products with the ability to add buying later.

Sorry to repeat, just trying to be clear.

There is both a thread and a mod for this. Use search. I'm pretty sure it was written by someone who referred to it as a "catalouge" mod, thereby reveal his origins.

I have web site using it whose construction is stalled by the client's delays in supplying materials Photos, text, etc.). See www.kitocigar.com.

If it's not here in these forums, try cubecartforums.org.

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Guest Brivtech

Mr Morris, please familiarise yourself with forum rules, especially the ones regarding advertising, and you will see that direct links to third party products and services are prohibited.

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This seems straight forward enough. I simple modification would be to comment out/delete the buy buttons on the Prodview.tpl file. Then, go into cart.inc.php or cart.tpl and set a redirect back to REFFERAL URL or the homepage (or whatever you prefer). And you might was well turn off all payment options and gateways.

This should be enough to render the store purchase-less.

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