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New Skins New Look Enquiry...

Guest sound

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Hello :)

Has anyody designed a new look for cubecard that is simular to beatport?

It all looks a bit flashy i know, but it's modern in design and has a stylish look about it,

I just want to do a fresh new look for a new site, doesn't have to be as flashy as beatport,

But i like the way thing work, as in the audio buttons :)

when you click one, they play inthe player at the top of the page.

Any ideas?

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Guest webicon

Skin discussions are only allowed over at cubecartforums.org.

Both free and comercial skins are listed there, so to is the ability to hire a designer for something more custom....

Good Luck

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I guess anything is possible with CSS design wise. Although that beatport site is done in flash.

As webicon said, if you dont have CSS experience go over to the other forum for advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So WTF is the point of having this forum if you cant discuss sections of the product?????

Dont bother stating "reporting bugs" coz that can be done via the help desk.

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In my experience, having more than one site will definetly loose you potential clients.

And one of the bigest problems with cubecart is all the third party services offering

services related to cubecart, cubecart must be loosing thousands, must be?

The truth is, many people need extras,.addons etc for cubecart

And the problem there is this..

Someone learns how to use cubecart, they don't register it coz they know it inside out.

And they spend more money on extras provided by third parties.

I didn't even bother signing up to another cubecart related site, i've done all that before.

Just my opinion but i think i am right.


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Guest Brivtech

You're entitled to your opinion. To address some of the points you made:

In my experience, having more than one site will definetly loose you potential clients.

The truth of it is that the developers who make these rules are innundated with work, and are recruiting new staff to deal with it. They even had to withdraw paid installation support temporarily because the workload was too great - Too many clients!

And one of the bigest problems with cubecart is all the third party services offering services related to cubecart, cubecart must be loosing thousands, must be?

Actually, if seems to have the opposite effect. Because there is such wide third party support, it actually encourages users to use the system. If something isn't included within the core software, then chances are that it can be added through a third party for a small fee. Also, the range of third party designs (skins) is incredibly varied, again giving CubeCart users more choices.

I don't think Adobe take objection to third parties developing plugins for Photoshop. I believe they would consider that it adds enhanced value to their product.

Someone learns how to use cubecart, they don't register it coz they know it inside out.

There is no obligation to register Version 3 of CubeCart, copyright removal is optional.

Version 4 is obviously feature and security enhanced and is provided as a commercial product. Anyone who has managed to break the encryption on it, or who has removed the copyrights through code hacking will be followed up. In the administrator's section that you guys can't see, we have a tool to check these things against websites that don't display any copyright.

Sound, you have posted on these forums long enough to know this all already, I think youre simply starting to repeat yourself now: http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....ost&p=86921

Have you been on the beers again? :) :)

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