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Problem With Database Data

Guest Frederico Pereira

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Guest Frederico Pereira

Hi there. I started using Cube3 yesterday and so far so good, all configurations ok but wen the real work started (placing products) a big problem is taking me out of Cubecart.

Well i started messing arround with the database to import all my references when i saw that cube cart inventory table has missing fields. So far the only one that is giving me trouble is the missing fiel called MAKE i have more than 7000, references and more than 30 diferent makes.

All my supplyers send me a table with the Following headers -> Make, Family, Reference, Description, Price.

The problem is not the table from my supplyers its really the make that is missing from cubecart table, and that is an mandatory field. Oscommerce have it, and all most all free carts have it why cube cart dont?

Its there a way to solve the problem without messing arround with all the codes?

Thanks in advance

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You can add any fields you want in the database. Just add one called make so your data will import correctly.

If you need it to then display on your store, you will need to do some modification to the templates and includes files.

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